

Gold is expensive here, but apparently in heaven they use it to make pavements. Funny how heaven often has a different perspective on things. Take relationships for example. When God enters in to one, He does so with a long term view – by that what I mean is that He doesn’t intend for it to ever end. So no matter what we do or fail to do, He will keep stepping towards us, keep loving us, and stay connected to us.

I have been thinking about this. It’s called a covenant relationship, and in heaven’s book this is the only way to go. Covenant relationships are risky because people will let us down, and they are hard because sometimes we are the ones doing all the leg work. Those are the cons, but what about the pros.

Well, what would you give for a friend like that?

And here’s another thing…Heaven works through relationships. It is as if people who are connected act as a kind of channel through which blessing and life and power flow. The longer we stay connected the greater the capacity we have to receive and give what heaven is pouring out. In this new season this is going to become a glaring truth. There will be a marked difference between those who choose covenant relationships and those who don’t. The lives of those in covenant will be marked by more. Imagine this “more” magnified by a community living in covenant and you will begin to glimpse some of what God intended His church to be like.




Spot the difference