Spot the difference

What do you see? Another music video? A group of friends having fun on the beach? Some guy playing with fire? A drummer facing away from his kit? Chinese lanterns? The moon?

What do you see? Or perhaps I should ask "What did you sense?" Did you feel the passion, the joy and the goodness that these guys carry? Did you feel the life, the creativity and the fullness that comes off their music? Its different.

They are tapping into something more. And I believe that there is a more that God is inviting people to enter into. This is a season of more than we expected. It is a season of more than we dreamed of. It is a season of more than we thought possible. And everyone is invited. Those who accept the invitation will stand out, like these guys (The Rend Collective Experiment). On whatever stage they live their lives there will be something different about them - something more.



